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Reading, Wandering, & Always Becoming

The journey starts with opening a page of a book, continues with walking around and immersing oneself in momentary surroundings, and never ends with a continuous process of becoming - a cumulative force of daily habits!

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My Drive To Work This Morning

Picking up — Speed. 210 through Pasadena Monrovia in the — Rearview. Downtown rears over the ridge. Glendale — A blur Then gone. Heading...

Clouds Rising

Rising to greater extents. Billowing, filling out voluminously. Looks like rain. Dark and mildly foreboding, Misty tendrils grasping at a...

Santa Clarita Nights

The sun glows and the air is still. The hills remain in their warm season dormancy. The Buckwheat is flushed a deep rusty hue. Joggers...

Nature Journal #1

Santa Clarita is hot and dry this time of year, existing at the veritable doorstep of the Mojave desert. It is furthermore northwest of...

Running from Rattlers

Among the thin, rutted out trails in this last of still mostly wild spaces. Wisps of dust drawing up at the moment boots meet the ground,...

Muggy Summer Days

The clouds roll in, emblazoned by the yawning sunrise. Lighthearted wisps of flames spreading overhead from the East. Vestiges of the...

It's 5:55 Somewhere

Dappled sunlight striking a lucid surface. Enough left to give more life Yet the shadows move in and out Like waves breaking, ebbing, and...

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