Hear that sound? It's the wind meandering its way through existence.
With the light gracing the Olive trees, just this moment and none other.
The world around you is speaking, saying things worth listening to,
despite the uncertainty, the fear, the courage required to take a leap.
I think there is an element of choice in the matter.
Stubbornness and persistence are not without merit.
Many things influence when or how
Our lives unfold and unravel.
But what is yours always is.
Push back if you will. The idea doesn't exactly invite acceptance.
Question everything, this included.
Test the mettle of these bits of guidance we call principles, laws of the universe even.
Just listen to your gut, your intuition, the knowledge you know without realizing how.
Beliefs, expectations, and all manner of how we and others project our existence
Matters and also doesn't. How so? That is a question I can only answer for myself.
And you for yourself too.
Question everything again once more. Then one more time.
Fall into an existential circle of thought, a rant of sorts.
It is intuition when you feel it without intending to, without extra effort or desire.
It is "stubborn foolishness" when you attempt to corral and control what you cannot,
When a defined path is expected from a certain singular or set of actions,
When you ignore how you feel, what you know and won't acknowledge.
Because you believe you have it all figured out.
It's time to know that we don't know. That no one has it figured out.
The phrase at the beginning is meant to be comforting in a sense.
To derive any meaning from it is an exercise in patience, with an open mind.
Consider all the details. Lose yourself in them and then realize,
That you are alive.
What is meant for you is drawing near while you are becoming.
There just isn't much more to it than that.