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Reading, Wandering, & Always Becoming

The journey starts with opening a page of a book, continues with walking around and immersing oneself in momentary surroundings, and never ends with a continuous process of becoming - a cumulative force of daily habits!

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Moving Blog Platforms!

Due to preferences, greater ability to reach prospective readers, and glitchy site mechanics here, I am in the process of migrating posts...

A Pilgrimage To Denali

I took myself to Denali. It was the simplest of realizations. An epiphany in other words Through no effort but my own. I gazed upon a...

Drive To Ventura

Endless rows - Almonds? Flowing hills dotted with dusty brush. A side of each carved sheer, facing the road. Trees, shrubs, columns of...

Clouds Rising

Rising to greater extents. Billowing, filling out voluminously. Looks like rain. Dark and mildly foreboding, Misty tendrils grasping at a...

Wandering & Recharging

Transit tales from SCV to LB Metrolink zipping, Subway careening, Light rail in Flux, Newhall to Union, 7th Street to Del Amo, Pending a...

No More Delays

Another vote postponed, ’Til February ’23 this time. The matter remains unsettled, In Tahoe, in Los Angeles, where to next? A deadlocked...

Hanging On

Hanging on, To the area code, The 562, Short for Long Beach, The first home I've ever loved, It's been two years, Still unwilling to...

Santa Clarita Nights

The sun glows and the air is still. The hills remain in their warm season dormancy. The Buckwheat is flushed a deep rusty hue. Joggers...

To Be A Geographer...

To be a geographer means to wander. The urban nexus, city streets and byways, Hopping on a train to who knows where, Run to catch the...

Nature Journal #1

Santa Clarita is hot and dry this time of year, existing at the veritable doorstep of the Mojave desert. It is furthermore northwest of...

Last Call For Summer

The inspiration for the style of this poem came from a book called Seward Soundboard by Sean Ulman. His abrupt, lyrical style forces the...


The rain reigns over this rugged of places. It hardly ceases in establishing its presence. Not like the rain back in California, more...

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