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Chasing A Legend

Reasons abound to take

A leap.

A chance.

A bet on myself.

The opportunity of a lifetime.

An adventure for the ages.

Fit for a wanderer of such pedigree.

Seasoned by years of dedication to his craft.

Aimless as some might say.

The purpose is never in the pursuit of a definitive goal.

Enlightenment is reached in lost musings.

In taking the path most desired.

On a whim.

After careful planning.

Always with conviction.

Fear is no object.

Reality must dawn.

The Tundra awakens a higher sense.

Stirring a passion unknown previously.

Found only in dogged pursuit.

Of one's personal legend.

The high peaks are calling.

The glaciers are singing.

Denali sets its sights.

On a newcomer.

The streets of Anchorage.

Have yet to witness.

The likes of me.

A grand chapter awaits.

Intensely challenging I'm sure.

With anticipation comes intrigue.

What shall I discover?

What shall I yearn for?

What shall I love?

What shall I dislike?

What shall I admire?

On the culmination.

Of a fantastical pursuit.

I shall return.

To claim another dream.

Shaped by the Arctic winds.

Forged by the long winter.

Battle tested by the elements.

Unwavering in the ultimate pursuit.

That even Alaska itself.

Lacks the power.

The capacity.

The wonder.

The distance.

To make me forget.

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1 Comment

Debbie Symons
Aug 29, 2022

I love this. You write so well Cam. ❤️❤️

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