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Red-Streaked Tears of the Angels (Elysian Overpass)

Rising silently over the 110 freeway

the Elysian hills

a void in the otherwise bright cityscape

an Angel waits

watching, meticulously studying the scene presented before them.

Nervous anticipation rings in the air

the red streaked tears of the Angels rush towards the city center

a flood of divinely expressed emotions

unprecedented in intensity, in vigor.

A peculiar energy fosters stillness otherwise

refusing to leave the vicinity at such a time as this.

What time you ask?

A time of honest reckoning for the sins of a city beloved my many

and yet a self-proclaimed "City of Angels" without proper recognition

of its flaws, injustices, and inequities.

It is not that perfection sets the bar for expectation.

The Angel sighs

remaining measured, resolute, despite the free flowing bitterness below.

A tide shaded crimson

blood shed from the sentinels of heaven

in response to violence left unspoken and unresolved

unable to be assuaged or remedied

save for a concerted effort

by those who make impactful decisions.

Downtown is a focal point for such feelings.

The skyscrapers on Bunker Hill came at a price.

As did the stadium at Chavez Ravine, the expensive lofts of the Arts District

countless other instances dot the landscape

as reminders of what is, was, and ought to be.

The tears steadily rain down from above and coalesce

moving as a collective through this narrow pass

of one mind, heart, and soul.

Los Angeles mourns its losses and tends to its wounds

praying for better days ahead

where all the Angels rejoice

no longer sullen, afraid, angry, or defeated.

Until then the Angel waits at the overpass

contemplating forevermore

the implications of now and the future

wrapped up by the traumas of the past

some even ongoing.

A city in countless ways distracted by what hardly matters

or but to a few.

Unable to fully celebrate its strengths, its innate greatness

yet always with the capacity for radical change

leveraging its pluralities and positionalities to produce positive outcomes for more

or even all.

Such a reality is possible and cannot be ignored in perpetuity.

A city illuminated by the light of a thousand heavenly manifestations

that rises to the level of its residents' dreams and aspirations.

That is what the Angel firmly believes

can be realized, brought to light, thrust into existence

to stem the tide of red streaked tears

once and for all.

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